Friday, 17 September 2021

Message in a bottle

We have been learning about how to write a narrative. here is a story i have been working on, Its called message in a bottle.

One day, a man was walking down the street to the shop and he decided to walk down the New Brighton beach to get there instead. He was walking down it when he saw a....   Message in a bottle!!!!
When he was about to open it...... bad guys came and snatched it off him, the man was running after them shouting ''Stop!!''  but they didn't stop or give it back. The man gave up running and called the police, the police had a gun and he shot the bad guys and gave the message in a bottle back to him. The man opened the message in the bottle up and it said:  Hi my name is Ashley, I'm 7 years old, My Favirate colour is Green, I come from Australia. If you revive this message come and Meet me. Thank you!!!
So I went over to Australia and meet her, she was prity nice, and i said hi.  After that i went to showed my friend's and they thought that it was fake, so i keeped it to my self.

The End.

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

My Code

 13 23 1 14 4 13 4 15 7 1 18 5 1 23 5 19 15 15 13 

Me and my dog are awesome!

(A -1) (B- 2) (C -3) (D-4) (E-5) (F-6) (G-7) (H-8) (I-9) (J-10) (K-11) (L-12) (M-13) (N-14) (O-15) (P-16) (Q-17) (R-18) (S-19) (T-20) (U-21) (V-22) (W-23) (X-24) (Y-25) (Z-26)

Friday, 10 September 2021

The Poem Be


Be Kind 
Be Joyful
Be loving
Be Respectful
Be Caring
Be Hopeful
Be Thankful
Be Grateful
Be Friendly
Be Welcoming
Be Bright
Beatitude!!!                                                                                                                              This is my poem called be. We had to make a poem up to show people how we show beatitude.


Thursday, 9 September 2021

Drawing of a seed

We read a poem about a kakano. The poem said: I'm am small, but within me, i hold a great taonga (treasure), waiting  to be sheared, All I need, is wai, hihi rā, onemata, and wā. Then my taonga is free, and I begin to grow. i am kai, i am haora, i am tipu ora. Green and precious of life!

This is a video to show you how to plant a seed.

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Poster of beatitude


Here is a video to tell you more about beatitude.

Skye from paw patrol report


Skye is a pup from paw patrol and she likes to fly. She has a pup house that terns into a helicopter and wings with a jet pack to fly.  She has big pink eyes and golden, yellowish fur.

Skye is brave and loves highs she is also a little Girl pup and she is 7 years old. She has been on some very cool jobs and she is very scared  of eagles. (are you scared of eagles?)

Skye loves pink and she has a pink costume with little beads at the end. Skye love being with Ryder and the pups and will never leave them. (do You know the pups names?) The pups names are: Marshall, Zuma, Rubble, Rocky, Chase and Ryder, oh and I forgot, Skye (witch is her).

Question Time!

1.  What are You Scared of?                 Skye Is scared of Eagles.
2.  Do you know the pups names?           Skye Dose.
3.  Do you know the last two pups?         Skye dose.
4.  What is your favirate colour?          Sykes is pink.
5.  Who is the person that makes the plans?       Skye Knows.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Loving others


This is a video to tell you more about loving others.

Monday, 6 September 2021

Brain storm about Sky from paw patrol


Here is a video to tell you more about sky.

Show Respect


Here is a video for you to watch, its called the good Samaritan.

Friday, 3 September 2021

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Stain glass window

 This is my  Stain glass window of a church. There has to be 5, 4 or 3 Colours in it, i chose blue, purple, red  and pink witch is 4 colours. 

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Boogle word Animal

 A- Alligator

N- Newt

I- Iguana

M- Monkey

A- Armadillo

L- Lama


ANIMAL          Points:525552      Altogether: 24

So You Need to think of An animal that starts with the letter That your on. The points are If its 4 worded one it would be 2 points and if its 5 or more worded it would be 5 points. After you have done that count up the points and add them together.

My Diagram About Dogs

 This is my diagram about dogs.

Do you know any more things that dogs have?