Thursday, 9 December 2021

The gingerbread house

One cold night before Christmas a Gingerbread Man was living in a house or Should I say girl. The gingerbread house is cool and colourful and has a little bit of ginger. The Gingerbread house In the middle of nowhere like in a Giant field. One day the gingerbread girl didn't know that a dog was coming to the house. It was getting closer and closer!! The gingerbread girl opened up the window and saw it. She screamed as loud as she could and screamed: HELP!!!!!!!!!! She ran and ran and went behind a plant pot and saw the dog SMASHING the house and breaking it into bits and big chubby bits. The gingerbread girl screamed out: NO!!! NOT MY HOUSE! The dog heard that scream that the gingerbread girl did and started to look round for her. He was right behind the pot and suddenly, come here boy! Come on. It was a boy calling his name and saying come here, and the dog came. The gingerbread girl was safe and ran to her house. She started to cry, But she had an idea. The idea was that she will build another house but this time in a different place far away from we're the dog has been and she lived happily ever after.

The End!

What the gingerbread girl looks like

Blond hair (or yellow)

Purple and pink buttons

Yellow icing for eyes

Red Icing for Mouth

Dress made from icing

What the gingerbread house looks like

Outside of house 

Chocolate icing for the colour

Door is made out of wafers

Handle made from m & ms 

Roof made out of wafers 

Roof colour made out of strawberry icing

Base is made out of ginger

Inside of house

Paintings made out of wafers and pictures

TV made out of gummies

Sofer made out of gummies                                  AND MORE!

Friday, 3 December 2021

Advent prayer

Advent is A time when you Celebrate Jesus's birth and a time of Christmas. Here is a Image of when advent is and when anything else is.

Advent prayer 


 Please let us have a good Christmas and Advent.

Help us to be kind to each other on Christmas day.

Help us to be kind and caring too are families.

Help us to be grateful for what we have got. 

Help us to take care of our elf's on the shelf.

Help us accept what we get and have.

Whats your prayer going to be? 
Make sure you go on summers and Olivia blogs!

Here is a video to tell you more about advent.

Friday, 22 October 2021

Posters for bread, wine and light

This week we have been making posters for bread, wine and light.The hard thing was that  i had to write down some information and the easy thing was making the posters. This slide show will show you my posters and a little bit of information.          

What will your posters look like?

Friday, 17 September 2021

Message in a bottle

We have been learning about how to write a narrative. here is a story i have been working on, Its called message in a bottle.

One day, a man was walking down the street to the shop and he decided to walk down the New Brighton beach to get there instead. He was walking down it when he saw a....   Message in a bottle!!!!
When he was about to open it...... bad guys came and snatched it off him, the man was running after them shouting ''Stop!!''  but they didn't stop or give it back. The man gave up running and called the police, the police had a gun and he shot the bad guys and gave the message in a bottle back to him. The man opened the message in the bottle up and it said:  Hi my name is Ashley, I'm 7 years old, My Favirate colour is Green, I come from Australia. If you revive this message come and Meet me. Thank you!!!
So I went over to Australia and meet her, she was prity nice, and i said hi.  After that i went to showed my friend's and they thought that it was fake, so i keeped it to my self.

The End.

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

My Code

 13 23 1 14 4 13 4 15 7 1 18 5 1 23 5 19 15 15 13 

Me and my dog are awesome!

(A -1) (B- 2) (C -3) (D-4) (E-5) (F-6) (G-7) (H-8) (I-9) (J-10) (K-11) (L-12) (M-13) (N-14) (O-15) (P-16) (Q-17) (R-18) (S-19) (T-20) (U-21) (V-22) (W-23) (X-24) (Y-25) (Z-26)

Friday, 10 September 2021

The Poem Be


Be Kind 
Be Joyful
Be loving
Be Respectful
Be Caring
Be Hopeful
Be Thankful
Be Grateful
Be Friendly
Be Welcoming
Be Bright
Beatitude!!!                                                                                                                              This is my poem called be. We had to make a poem up to show people how we show beatitude.


Thursday, 9 September 2021

Drawing of a seed

We read a poem about a kakano. The poem said: I'm am small, but within me, i hold a great taonga (treasure), waiting  to be sheared, All I need, is wai, hihi rā, onemata, and wā. Then my taonga is free, and I begin to grow. i am kai, i am haora, i am tipu ora. Green and precious of life!

This is a video to show you how to plant a seed.

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Poster of beatitude


Here is a video to tell you more about beatitude.

Skye from paw patrol report


Skye is a pup from paw patrol and she likes to fly. She has a pup house that terns into a helicopter and wings with a jet pack to fly.  She has big pink eyes and golden, yellowish fur.

Skye is brave and loves highs she is also a little Girl pup and she is 7 years old. She has been on some very cool jobs and she is very scared  of eagles. (are you scared of eagles?)

Skye loves pink and she has a pink costume with little beads at the end. Skye love being with Ryder and the pups and will never leave them. (do You know the pups names?) The pups names are: Marshall, Zuma, Rubble, Rocky, Chase and Ryder, oh and I forgot, Skye (witch is her).

Question Time!

1.  What are You Scared of?                 Skye Is scared of Eagles.
2.  Do you know the pups names?           Skye Dose.
3.  Do you know the last two pups?         Skye dose.
4.  What is your favirate colour?          Sykes is pink.
5.  Who is the person that makes the plans?       Skye Knows.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Loving others


This is a video to tell you more about loving others.

Monday, 6 September 2021

Brain storm about Sky from paw patrol


Here is a video to tell you more about sky.

Show Respect


Here is a video for you to watch, its called the good Samaritan.

Friday, 3 September 2021

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Stain glass window

 This is my  Stain glass window of a church. There has to be 5, 4 or 3 Colours in it, i chose blue, purple, red  and pink witch is 4 colours. 

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Boogle word Animal

 A- Alligator

N- Newt

I- Iguana

M- Monkey

A- Armadillo

L- Lama


ANIMAL          Points:525552      Altogether: 24

So You Need to think of An animal that starts with the letter That your on. The points are If its 4 worded one it would be 2 points and if its 5 or more worded it would be 5 points. After you have done that count up the points and add them together.

My Diagram About Dogs

 This is my diagram about dogs.

Do you know any more things that dogs have?

Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Information report about dogs

This is my information report about dogs.

This is a video to tell you more about dogs.

My Obstacle Course


Here are the seven steps to my obstacle course:

1.)  You need to do 10 star jumps

2.)  You need to run to the trampoline

3.)  You need to jump on the trampoline around two times

4.)  You need to clime up  the tree and back down

5.) You need to walk around the back garden 

6.)  You need to clime up the tree again 

7.)  You need to hop back to the house

Do you like my obstacle course?

Do you like to try it? Did you make an obstacle course? What would you do? 

Who I Think Shows Love, Justess and truth

 This is who I think shows love, justest and truth.

Who is the one that shows love, justest and truth in your family?

Monday, 30 August 2021

How Paralympics Show Virtues

 This is a slid show to tell you about how Paralympics show virtues. 

My Daffodil Poster


This is my daffodil poster which i have worked realy hard on.

Friday, 27 August 2021


 This is my slid show to tell you about silly.

Do you know any more thing to add to my slid show?

My Butterfly Drawing

This is my butterfly, I used pink and purple because they are my favirate colour.

The life cycle of a caterpillar

 This is a slid show to tell you about the life cycle of a caterpillar

This is a video called the hungry caterpillar.

Thursday, 26 August 2021

All About Eqestrian

 This is a slid show to tell you about Equestrian.

Do you know any more things about Equestrian?

My Door Hanger

 This is my door hanger that has a lot of pasterns.

What would your door hanger look like?

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Chain of Gods Kingdom

This is a chain that shows the ways to bring God's Kingdom.

 it said:

1.  Jesus brought the Jews and samaratons together.

2. Worship Jesus.

3. Worship God.

4.  Jesus gave water that keeps people hydrated.

5. Jesus's disciples came and gave food.

6. God asked people to repent.

7. God asked people to change their ways and believe in the gospels.

My Paralympic Mascot

 This is my paralympic mascot, she is in a canoe doing canoe racing and the boxes around them are telling you some of the sports with wheelchairs and without.

do you know any more sports you could put on here?    And what will your mascot look like?

Here is a video to tell you more of the sports.

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Fear (from inside out)

 Fear (from inside out)

Fear is a feeling that is like scared or frightened but the fear we are talking about is the fear from inside out. Now this fear is purple. He has a red bow on his neck and he has a curly thing on his head.  Fear is scared of things that frighten you like: spiders, heights, bugs, being in the darkness and falling from a clif. Fear has friends called joy, sadness, anger, disgust and fear (which is him).

Fear is a good friend but very scared all the time he is even scared of a mouse which is very silly.

Do you know anything else about fear?              

      Here is a video to tell you more about fear.

5 facts about the Japan Paralymics


  1.  The paralympic games take place every four years.

  2.  The people competing have a physical disability.

  3.  The first paralympic games took place in Rome in 1960.

  4. You can have blind swimmers and runners as they have a guide to race beside them.

  5.  Sophie Pascoe is a New Zealander who at the age of 15 was the youngest paralympian to attend a games.

Monday, 23 August 2021

My NBC Play-Dough Building

This is my play- Dough building of my school. 

The black building is Room 7, The building with the cross is Room 5, 6 & 9, 10, The green thing is a path going past Room 1, 2, 3 & 4.

Brain storm of fear in inside out

 This is my description of fear. ( Description means discribing the character like what they look like.)  

here is a trailer of inside out.

Friday, 20 August 2021

Questions I would ask the Author of fantastic flying books

 These Are some Questions I would ask the Author:

Why did you make this?

Why dont they talk?

What is the main message?

Who is the main character?

Why are they grey at the start and colder at the end?

Was the Women Who flue past passing on her job (taking care of the books) Onto the man?

And those are some Questions that I would ask and I have a Question for you, Do you have any more Ideas for the list?

(The video is on the post flow chart of flying books.)

Poster of Fantastic flying books.

 This is my poster of fantastic flying books.

Thursday, 19 August 2021

inside out of the flying books

 this is my inside out  of the man in the story.

Flow chart of flying books

 This is a flow chart of the flying books.

here is a video for you to watch witch is the real version of it.

Some ways God shows love

 Here is a slid show of some ways God shows love.

Do you know any other things God did for us?

Monday, 16 August 2021

ABC grateful list

 In Room 6 we have been learning about gratefulness and we had to chose an activity to do and I chose ABC Grateful list. Here is also a video for you to watch

This is the ABC list, it said:

A- August       L- Lollies         W- Water

B- Bike            M- Monkeys     X- X-ray

C- Cat              N- Numbers     Y- Yo Yo

D- Dog                     O- Otters          Z- Zebra

E- Emma (mum)         P- Penguins

F- Food                   Q- Queen

G- Gratefulness                R- Rhys  (brother)

H- House                   S- Summer   (Friend)

I- Imogen (me)          T- Toilet

J- Jon  (Dad)          U- Umbrella             What is your ABC list?

K- Koby (friend)    V- Varese

Friday, 13 August 2021

Marys Assumption

 We have been learning about marys assumption. Here is a slid show  to tell you about marys assumption.    

Have you got another idea to add to my list?

my avatar

 This is my Avatar which Avatar means going over a picture and making it  for a blog profile. Here is a image of my Avatar.

Have you ever done a Avatar before?

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Amazing lions

 Amazing lions 

This week we have been learning about lions. Here is the Examples or facts about lions.   

🦁Lions are in the family of cats, same as tiger, cheetah, leopard, jaguar, panther and of course a cat. They all eat meat escped cats.

What they eat.

🦁They are predators so they eat meat. Meat is like any thing that moves like animals (that are prey) and people. (animals include pets).did you know that the female lions only hunt for food.


What they look like

🦁The male lions have fluffy manes that cover their head except there head, and yellowish furry fur, but the females don't have manes but they do have yellowish furry fur. They both have wavy tails and yellow ears with pink inside.

Where they live.

🦁The lions live in the dry grass eryer of south Africa and sometimes they get cached  to be put in the zoo so they don't get Enstinked and for a new home.

🦁Lions are furry Animals with manes well only the male and they are hunters. Did you know that lions go in a herd of 30 or more, and there is only 1 male lion leading the herd and the rest are females.  Did you know that they die in between 10-14 like dogs and cats, but dogs acherly do in between 10-15 and cats do in between 10-13.

Friday, 30 July 2021

kawa of care

 we have been learning how to keep our  Chromebook safe.

here is the slid show of how to keep devices safe 

what device are you on? im on a Chromebook.

Friday, 9 July 2021

The lorax

 This week we have been learning about the lorax. The main message about this story is to care for the nature. The tasks for the lorax was: truffler tree making, wright a letter to the once-ler, the thneed factory, the video and an inside out of the lorax. You should care for the environment so we can have air, food and animals to have fun with. Have you ever watched or read the lorax. Here is the trailer for you to watch.

Friday, 2 July 2021

the matariki diamante poem

 This is my dimanta poem

it said:             stars

             celebrate shimmer

       sparkling looking singing

moari new year, family food star

     celebrating  loving feeding 

                 bright night

                     matariki               (dimanta shaped)

Friday, 25 June 2021



our trip to ferrymead!

 One day on the 26th may 2021 we had a Trip to ferry mead were we go back in time into the olden days.

We first went to get Dressed into school kids in the olden days, we had a wight apron and a colourful dress

along with a hat. After that we headed down to a shop and we was portending to get a job but to do that we

had to get the stuff that it had on a list, in the end the list was cancelled so we went on down to the bakery.

Once we got to the bakery we started to make biscuits with chocolate chips in shapes. I made a dog shaped one and the chocolate chips acted like spots.

Then we went to a school an olden days school, and the teacher had a Kane, and we had ink pens and incited of books we had chalk boards.

It was so much fun going to ferry mead and almost at the end of the day we came together and had some free time, so we went of to the funny mirrors in were all the trucks were.

The funny mirrors made me look short and tall it was so funny then we went back to meet up then we 

had the cookies we made then after that we went back to the bus and 

 back to school again.


The Four Gospels

We are learning about the Four Gospels in the bible.
There names are: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
 I really liked the part when we made a house with the Four Gospels names on it. 
Here is the picture of my house.
I did not know that Luke was not a disciple, before I fort he was a disciple but even none he is not a disciple he is still a follower of Jesus.have you ever been baptised?



Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Samoa language week

 We have been learning about Samoa language week.

I enjoyed the part were i watched the moana trailer because she is a Samoa person.

did you know that Samoa is a group of nine islands in the South Pacific Ocean known for its beautiful scenery and friendly people. 

do you want to count in Samoan then i can tell you. ready?

1 (tasi) 2 (lua) 3 (tolu) 4 (fa) 5 (lima) 6 (ono) 7 (fitu) 8 (valu) 9 (iva) 10 (sefulu)

some Samoa people were a lava lava for speshle ashcans like when they walk the dog, dance, sing, do the dishes and go to bed.

do you know about white Sunday it a very speshle day for Samoan people.

they first get some white cloths and get ready then they go into a Church and sing then the read a bit of the bible then they make a big fest of food

We have also read a book called mop head and we had to ask a Question to the offer. my Question was: why did at the end it goes when i was ten the end. by Imogen 

my matariki star

 this is my matariki star we had to do for a task

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Samoan Sign of the cross

 This is a video about the Sign Of The Cross in Samoan . I did this with my friend Koby. If you have any questions put them in the comment section.

Friday, 21 May 2021

st james coming to our school (Pentecost)

 One day st James school came to our school to celebrate Pentecost and the birthday of the church.🎂 

We had a special mass together⛪ then we went and played in the play area after that we had lunch together🍲 and we did activity in our house colours i was in the colour green.🟩

The activity's was man hunt ( its a game ) and graffiti art, it was pretty fun with the st James school 

here. they came mainly at the end of the day at 1:15.

At 3:17 we all came together  and said bye bye✋and sang a song.